Impact @ WIN Reality

Working inside their proprietary swing engine that allows for full-speed swings against pro-speed pitches, on the Quest 2, WIN Reality certainly has a unique problem space

Ball Physics

One of the most challenging projects was reworking the simulation & scoring systems to allow for physics-driven flight of the ball. Previously, all systems expected the flight to be predetermined, necessitating a large refactor to allow the unpredictability of physics to take place. Once it was there, new physics phenomena such as the Magnus effect were much easier to implement.

These changes included looking for less intrusive flight indicators while maintaining readability of the flight path, with max height, current distance, and landing distance indicators.

Physics was well-received, with interesting moments such as hitting the foul poles and curving a ball in just enough to keep it fair.


Counter to the high-speed swinging, bunting came w/it’s own challenges such as creating the detection system from scratch, but not least of which was integrating it into the existing systems that control scoring.

With the new mechanic came bunting-specific UI to show the closest position between the ball and bat. Bunting is definitely one of the ‘scarier’ moments with how fast some of the pitchers throw.

Stadium Liveliness

As part of the initiative after getting 3D fields, I implemented a few systems for art & audio to help with bringing life to the stadium


  • On-field display used to amp up/clarify events, like home runs and workout begin/complete

  • Built w/extensibility in mind, it was fairly simple to add drill tutorials

Bat Skins

  • A skin selection UI to swap the material of the bat, allowing art & marketing to test out new looks