Hover Tank Command

Mixing a couple ideas, the razor of this is “Battlefield 2142 Commander x arm-implanted needler controller”.

Work In Progress


Work In Progress 🦅

Hover Tank

Inspired by the Type 32 Nekomata from 2142, I set out to recreate the main features of the tank: Hover-based movement with easy strafing, a non-turreted cannon with only elevation control, and strong recoil on the main cannon.

⬅️ Reference

⬇️ Hover Tank event graph ⬇️

When idle, the tank tries to stabilize it’s position

Hover Jets

To give the jets their own logic they’re implemented as sub-actors in the Hover Tank pawn. Easier debugging and re-use for other hovering vehicles.

⬇️ Hover Jet event graph ⬇️


Project: Virtual Stage Setup


Tool: Beak Generator